- 會買賣
- 會買賣、會組車
- 會買賣、會組車、還會編輪 ( 而動力方程式單車的老闆,就是這種全能的人。 )
There are three kinds of bike shop owners in Taiwan.
No.1 They can buy & sell items.
No.2 They can buy & sell and also assemble bikes.
No.3 They can buy & sell assemble bikes and also make specialized wheels. The Powerformula bike shop owner does the third type of business as a bicycle expert.
I would like to explain why the Powerformula bike shop owner got into the bike business. He broken many bikes when he was a child, and therefore planned to be in bicycle business.
I personally think if a bike shop owner can only do buy and sell item if they lack having any specialized skills or knowlege. I believe consumers can just buy directly from online vendors, and do not need to go to a bike shop. I think it takes a lot of patience and skills to make custom made bicycle wheels. The owner of this Powerformula bike shop can make ordinary wheels in only thirty minutes, but a specialised kind of wheel will take longer to create.
吳老闆之前待過自行車工廠和貿易公司多年, 才能夠累積出堅實的技術能力, 吳老闆能夠編輪,組車,全方位技術導向的自行車店老闆, 老闆本人很親切很愛聊天.
Mr. Wu has several years of work experience in a bicycle factory and a trading firm, which has led to acquiring a great deal of competence in this industry. This is the reason why Mr. Wu boss has been able to become a full skill bike shop owner. He is also very friendly and loves to socialize with customer.
Mr. Wu boss making specialized wheels.
為何要取名叫做動力方程式單車,因為輪子會有動力,方程式代表要組起來的意思,所以叫做動力方程式單車。 他還可以客製化編輪喔,比如你框和鋼絲和銅頭要特殊顏色,老闆完全可以符合您的需求,編出你夢想中的輪子。
This is called the Powerformula bike shop since the wheels need power for a bicycle to move, and there is an assembly formula for this purpose. He can do create a customized wheel set. For example, you can choose the colors of the spokes, the rim and hub set. Mr. Wu can make wheels according to your personal preferences.
I think it's very nice to ride a bicycle, in comparision to any other form of exercise. One reason is because someone can go cycling by themselves. They can also enjoy seeing beautiful scenery along a route. During pandemic conditions, crowds gathering could be very dangerous, and I therefore suggest riding a bicycle. Please remember it's really important to do exercise, because if you want to live healthy then you need to be physically active.
吳老闆私人的 line ID 帳號: 0916971233 ( 是帳號喔, 不是手機號碼. )
Mr. Wu's personal LINE ID: 0916971233 ( This is a line ID, and not a mobile phone number. )
吳老闆私人的手機號碼: 0986675001
Mr. Wu's mobile phone number: 0986675001
歡迎參觀露天拍賣: https://www.ruten.com.tw/store/powerformula2009/
All are welcome to visit my Luten website: https://www.ruten.com.tw/store/powerformula2009/
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