

內容來自 MotivationHub 影片 ,演說家是:Les Brown Motivation ,我筆記底下的重點。


  1. Life is like an onion, you have to peel it one layer at time and sometimes you cry. 人生就像洋蔥一樣,一次你只能剝一層,而且有時候你會想哭。
  2. When things go wrong, don’t go with them. 當事情有錯的時候,你不要跟它們一起錯下去。
  3. If you ever go through something hold your head up. If you ever make mistake hold your head up. Life will not kill you it will make you stronger, hold your head up. 如果你曾經歷一些事情,記得把你的頭抬高。如果你曾經做錯一些事情,記得把你的頭抬高。你的人生不會殺了你,但他會讓你更堅強,記得把你的頭抬高。
  4. You got to be hungry, because people that are hungry are willing to do the things others don’t want to do. People who are hungry are willing to invest themselves. People who are hungry are willing to searching, seeking higher ground. People that are hungry are unstoppable. You never too old to learn and you never too young to teach. You always have thirst to learning. 你必須要永遠保持飢餓,因為飢餓的人才會做別人不想做的事。 飢餓的人才會想投資他們自己。飢餓的人才會想找尋更高的自己。飢餓的人,你無法停止他們。你永遠不會老到無法學習,或年輕到無法教別人。你要常常有飢餓學習的心。
  5. Don’t allow your circumstances to determine who you are, Don’t allow your negative thoughts to hold you back. 不要讓你的環境決定你是誰,不要讓你的不好的想法讓你退縮。
  6. You always surround the people with OQP ( only quality people ). 你要常常跟有品質的人相處 ( 指正向的人 )。
  7. Provide more service then you get pay for. 你會得到更多的報酬,如果提供更多的服務給別人。
  8. Impact drives income. 你影響多少人,你就會賺多少錢。




























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