*People matter to Paul.
*Paul mentioned 90 people in New testament that he work with.
*Paul didn't get married.
*Paul went to desert for many years.
*As Paul is going to die, and he want to see John Mark.
*Paul gave John Mark 2nd chance, so that they can work together.
* Paul spent 10 years with Demas on ministry work.
*Demas deserted Paul.
*Demas loves the world than Paul and God.
*Paul gets up and down.
*Maybe it's safer for Paul to do ministry alone.
*Why should we still have relationship with others?
*Paul said Timothy is like my son. They were best friends for 20 years.
*Paul opens his heart to Timothy.
*Paul said to Timothy do your best to come to me.
*You can think about our legacy. What are we going to do? We have to trust people. Just like Demas broke Paul's heart.
*We never get to know the end of story until we end of the story.
*We need to continue to share the gospel to whole world, because Jesus wants more and more families.
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