
Steven 20240519:

*David focus the words on God.

*Paul told Timothy don't never be ashamed on God.

*Focus your life on God.

*Bible is not ordinary book.

*Bible is a new treasure.

*Just keep reading you will understand it.

*We need to know what God says.

*God wants to form our character first.

*Bible is the most precious gift God has given us.

*God's words will touch your heart.

*The word of God is the only medicine of your soul.

*Are you growing your world of God?

*You can't trust Youtube or any social media but you can trust on God.

*We need God's voice through words of God.

*Bible is the foundation of words of God.

*Bible refer God's character.

*Bible is how you know God loves you.

*David said even I work the death of valley but I know God is with me.

*God's words never change.

*The holy spirit took words of God touching people's heart.

*God's words healing people's heart.

*Bible said over 300 times is "do not fear".

*Paul chapter 4 said:

Paul tell Timothy. As you preach the words of God. The judge is coming soon. Jesus came he replaced your judgement. Also Jesus is coming again. Jesus said behold I am coming.

*Preach to this world tell Church I will come again.

*We teach the words of God.

*People don't like the truth but they like to go to church,  because they find the entertaining at church.

* You need to center your life in God.

*You have to live the life of God.

*Do not live the life please on people but please the words of God.

*Preach the words of God. God tell Timothy.

*Are you living in your life center in God?

*Everything we need is in you God.





我是#理財蘇珊姐 或 #Susan 正向能量姐 ( Youtube 和 tiktok 皆有我的影片. )





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