內容來自 Purr W


Finance 金融

Economy 經濟

Macro economics 宏觀經濟學

Micro economics 微觀經濟學

GDP( Gross Domestic Product) 國內生產總值

Commerce 商業

WTO ( World Trade Organization ) 世界貿易組織

Fiscal year 財政年度 ( 長度是一年, 看公司何時成立開始起算 )

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ( Q代表 Quarter , 也是1/4的意思 )

Revenue 收入 ( 指公司企業銷售的收入 )

Income 收入 ( 個人的收入 )

Inflation 通貨膨脹

Savings 存儲

Debt 負債

Debit 借記 ( 銀行卡 )

Volatility 波動 ( 名詞 )

Financial liability 金融負債

Assets 資產 ( 分成2大類 流動資產 liquid Assets ; 固定資產 Fixed Assets )

Balance sheet 資產負債表

Interest rate 利率

Rate of return 回報率

Cash position 現金頭寸 ( 可流動的現金 )

Equity 股票值 或 資產淨值

Stock Market 股市

Stock Exchange 股票交易

Trade 貿易

Bonds 債劵

Mutual funds 共同基金

Dividends 股息

Commodities 商品

Hedge funds 對沖基金

Gross income 總收入

Net income 淨收入

Mortgage 抵押貸款

Home loans 住房貸款

Initial public offering (IPO)首次公開募股

Short 做空

Bid 出價

Speculate 推測

Portfolio 投資組合

Federal Reserve 美國聯邦儲備



Tilray ( 公司名字 ) shares ( 股份 ) end IPO week up more than 70 per cent

Tilray Inc. continued its stock market tear ( 一系列的成功 ) on Friday, leaping a further ( 更進一步 ) 32 percent on its second day of trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market.


The Nanaimo , B.C. based cannabis ( 大麻 ) grower started trading ( 交易 )  at USD 17 Thursday morning. By market close on Friday, shares were exchanging hands ( 開始交易 ) for USD 29.6, a two day gain ( 增加 ) of almost 75 per cent.


This gives Tilray a market cap ( 市場資本 ) of around USD 2.7 billion ,making it the third most valuable publicly traded cannabis company in the world , after Canopy Growth Corp and Aurora Cannabis Inc.


The stock’s massive runup (快速發展的階段) comes at a time when most other Canadian cannabis stocks have been steadily shedding ( 掉下來) value, following a brief spike (短暫的急速上升) that followed the passage (通過) of canada’s Cannabis Act in June.


Cannabis stocks, however , are known for their volatility ( 波動性 ), with sudden bursts ( 突然上漲 ) followed by steep drops ( 一下子又掉的很深 ). Tilray , which became the first cannabis company to go public ( 上市) on a major U.S. exchange, may be no different.


Like most of its unicorn ( 很好公司) competitors in the cannabis space, the company achieved a USD 1 billion plus valuation without having ever posted a profit ( 公開利潤 ). In the quarter that ended on March 31,2018 the company reported a loss of 5.1 million on USD 7.8 million in revenue ( 總收入 ).


Investors, nonetheless ( 不管如何 ), are clearly scrambling to secure some of company’s limited number of tradable shares ( 可以交易的股份 ).


Tilray has more than 90 million shares outstanding following its recent offering, but only the nine million offered in Thursday’s IPO are freely trading.


The majorty of shares ( 主要的股份 ), roughly 75 million, remain in the hands of seattle based Privateer Holding Inc.,the private equity firm ( 公司 ) that took Tilray public, and won’t freely trade for another six months.


Likewise ( 很相似 ), the 7.5 million shres owned by 10 hedge funds ( 對沖基金) that invested total of USD 60 million into the company in its Series A financing in January, are subject to (受制於) a six month lockup ( 不能自由交易 ).


If the first two days of trading are anything to go by ( 進行下去 ), investors don’t seem particularly spooked (害怕) by the company’s dual (雙方) class share structure, which leaves most voting power (投票權) in the hands of Privateer. Every share Privateer owns carries three votes, giving it 93 percent of the voting power.








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