
來跟我教會的外國朋友見面 ~

She had not been thinking clearly.👍
She just wants increasingly more nice things, and success as well.
She had been fighting for her life.
She lost everything when she was 25 years old.
She tried taking painkillers, before but the pain kept coming back so she needed more money.
She resorted to stealing her parent’s money, and then she got kicked out from the house.
She went to a women’s care center for the treatment.
She did what the personnel at the women’s care center people told her to do.
She prayed a lot at this women’s care center.
She said you sometimes just have to be led to that situation, so it can lead you into Jesus.
Thanks for sharing your testimony. 🙂
I found it really touching.
I can tell how Jesus had completely changed her life into being a new person.
She had been a drug addict, but now is not anymore.
This was because Jesus saved her life.

我是 #Susan 正向能量姐 ( Youtube 和 tiktok 皆有我的影片. )



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