

主旨: 為什麼你明明討厭這份工作,卻還是緊緊抓著不放


內容從看 智慧麵包 Peter Dinklage 小惡魔 彼得 丁拉基


我討厭那份工作,但卻緊抓著放不開,整整10年沒有起色,被困在那份工作中6年,也許我害怕改變,你也一樣嗎? 當我29算時,我告訴自己,當我接下這部戲,無論薪酬多少,從此之後,無論是好是壞,我都要成為一位職業演員,但那時我沒有互聯網、沒有手機、連工作都沒有。

I hated that job but I clung to that job. Ten years in a place without heat. Six years in a job I felt stuck in. Maybe I was afraid of change. Are you? When I was 29, I told myself, the next acting job I get, no matter what it pays, I will from now on for better or worse, be a working actor. And now I didn’t have either the internet or a cell phone, or job.



But something good happened. I got a low paying theater job in a play called imperfect love which led to a film called 13 moons which led to a film called 13 moons with the same writer which led to other roles, which led to other roles, and I’ve worked as an actor ever since. I didn’t know that would happen.



At 29, walking away from data processing,I was terrified. But this made me very hungry, literally. I couldn’t be lazy now I tell this story because the world might say you are not allowed to yet. Please, don’t even bother asking. Don’t bother telling the world you are ready. Show it. Do it.



Trust me. The rhythm sets in. Just try not to wait, until like me you are 29 before you find it. And if you are, that’s fine too. Some of us will never find it. But you will. I promise you. Raise the rest of your life to meet you. Don’t search for defining moments, because they will never come. Don’t wait until they tell you, you are ready. Get in there.


貝克特那句話是怎麼說的?嘗試過了嗎? 失敗過了,沒關係,再去嘗試,再次失敗,但這次失敗得好看些,外頭的世界是屬於你們的。善待每一個人,黑夜會被照亮。

What did Beckett say? Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. The world is yours. Treat everyone kindly, and light up the night.







就像故事中的小惡魔 彼得他等到29歲才決定改變自己可是他說沒有關係至少他願意改變因為有的人一輩子都不想改變,就連給自己一個失敗或成功的機會都沒有人生就此虛度過一生。














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