20240728 教會筆記:
*Because somebody has something but I don't have that.
*We didn't have a car when I had car I need to pray before we drive a car.
*Jesus tell a parable that God is fair.
*The first shall be last and the last will be first.
*It's very difficult for the rich people to enter my kingdom because my kingdom first will be last and the last will be first.
*So we really don't want God to be fair.
*Which of this two Jacob and Esau are God's chosen people?
*The owner is fair either God.
*Why we will not all go the hell? because God's grace.
*God created everything, He can do whatever he wants it.
*Are you mad when you jealous?
*Paul reminded us because God's kindness so we can be great.
我是#理財蘇珊姐 或 #Susan 正向能量姐 ( Youtube 和 tiktok 皆有我的影片. )