原文的連結: https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/gold-reserves-by-country/90127/1
Why do countries keep gold reserves? Because gold reserves are critical for the economic stability of a country, acting as a reliable store of value, particularly during financial uncertainties. The gold standard was a global practice in the late 1800s and a significant part of the 1900s. In this era, countries backed the value of their paper money with gold by establishing a fixed exchange rate between their currency and a specific amount of gold. Essentially, each unit of currency issued had a corresponding value in gold, and individuals could exchange their paper money for actual gold at this set rate.
各國為何保留黃金儲備?因為黃金儲備對於一個國家的經濟穩定至關重要,可以作為可靠的價值儲存手段,尤其是在金融不確定時期。金本位制是 1800 年代末和 1900 年代的一個重要時期的全球實踐。在這個時代,各國透過在本國貨幣與特定數量的黃金之間建立固定匯率來用黃金支持紙幣的價值。本質上,發行的每個貨幣單位都有相應的黃金價值,個人可以按照設定的匯率將紙幣兌換成實際的黃金。
Although officially abandoned in the 1970s, many countries maintain gold reserves; the demand for gold reserves is rising due to growing economic uncertainty. Central banks are once again favouring gold as the preferred safe-haven asset. Gold reserves continue to play a crucial role in shaping a country's creditworthiness and overall economic standing, even as the contemporary economic landscape evolves.
In this post, we look at a ranking of gold reserves by country to find the top 20 countries with the most gold reserves.
儘管在 20 世紀 70 年代被正式放棄,但許多國家仍保留黃金儲備;由於經濟不確定性不斷增加,對黃金儲備的需求正在上升。各國央行再次青睞黃金作為首選避險資產。即使當代經濟格局發生變化,黃金儲備在塑造一個國家的信用度和整體經濟地位方面仍然發揮著至關重要的作用。
在這篇文章中,我們查看了按國家/地區劃分的黃金儲備排名,以找到黃金儲備最多的前 20 個國家。
Countries with the most gold reserves
As estimated by the World Gold Council, here are the current rankings of gold reserves by country in Q1, 2024.
根據世界黃金協會的估計,以下是 2024 年第一季各國黃金儲備的最新排名。
Also Read: Gold rate history in India: 2000 to 2024
Rank & Country 國家的排名 |
Gold Reserve (in tonnes) 黃金儲備(噸計算) |
Gold Reserve (in $ millions) & Holdings in % |
#1 United States of America |
8,133.46 |
579,050.15 (71.33%) |
#2 Germany |
3,352.65 |
238,662.64 (70.56%) |
#3 Italy |
2,451.84 |
174,555.00 (67.55%) |
#4 France |
2,436.88 |
173,492.11 (68.61%) |
#5 Russian Federation |
2,332.74 |
166,076.25 (28.14%) |
#6 China |
2,262.45 |
161,071.82 (4.64%) |
#7 Switzerland |
1,040.00 |
69,495.46 (8.04%) |
#8 Japan |
845.97 |
60,227.84 (4.67%) |
#9 India |
822.09 |
58,527.34 (8.98%) |
#10 Netherlands |
612.45 |
43,602.77 (60.47%) |
#11 Turkey |
570.30 |
40,601.81 (100.00%) |
#12 Taiwan (POC) |
423.63 |
28,224.67 (4.71%) |
#13 Portugal |
382.63 |
27,240.93 73.27%) |
#14 Poland |
359.89 |
25,621.75(12.65% |
#15 Uzbekistan |
357.69 |
25,465.03 (74.28%) |
#16 Saudi Arabia |
323.07 |
21,588.22 (4.71) |
#17 Kazakhstan |
310.62 |
22,114.18 (58.36%) |
#18 United Kingdom |
310.29 |
22,090.45 (12.57%) |
#19 Lebanon |
286.83 |
17,249.75 (54.45%) |
#20 Spain |
281.58 |
20,046.51 (19.28%) |
Why do countries have a gold reserve?
Countries maintain gold reserves for several reasons.
Firstly, gold is considered a stable and reliable store of value. By holding gold, countries can instil confidence in their economic stability, especially during financial uncertainty.
Additionally, gold has historically played a role in supporting the value of a country's currency. While the gold standard is no longer widely used, some countries still view gold reserves as a means to maintain currency stability.
Diversification is another key reason. Gold is a tangible asset; by holding it in their reserves, countries can diversify their overall portfolio. This diversification helps mitigate the risks associated with fluctuations in the value of other assets.
The appeal of gold is heightened by its inverse correlation with the US dollar. When the value of the dollar declines, gold tends to increase in value. This dynamic allows central banks to safeguard their reserves during periods of market volatility.
Gold reserves also have a role in international trade and finance. Some countries use gold to settle trade imbalances or as collateral for loans. The presence of gold reserves can enhance a country's creditworthiness and influence its standing in the global economic system.
Moreover, gold serves as a hedge during crises. Its value often rises during economic downturns or geopolitical uncertainties, safeguarding against inflation and currency devaluation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What are the countries with the most gold reserves?
The top 3 countries with the most gold reserves include the United States, Germany and Italy. The United States has the most gold reserves and has nearly as many reserves as the combined total of the next three countries with the largest gold holdings: Germany, Italy, and France.
常見問題 (FAQ)
1. 黃金儲備最多的國家為何?
2. What is India's ranking in gold reserves?
India holds a significant position in global gold reserves, ranking 9th in the list of countries with the most gold reserves. With a rich cultural affinity for gold and a history of gold being a traditional store of value, India's gold reserves contribute to its economic stability and play a key role in the country's financial landscape.
2. 印度的黃金儲備排名如何?
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